
Welcome New Members & Sponsors!

The Woodwork Career Alliance of North America is pleased to welcome nine new EDUcation™ member schools and two new INDustry™ Sponsors.

Thank you for your membership and support!

EDUcation™ Members
Gateway High School, Aurora, CO
Green County ATC, Greensburg, KY
Hands On Deck Inc., Green Bay, WI
Ignacio School District 11-JT, Ignacio, CO
Kent Transition Center, Grand Rapids, MI
Oostburg High School, Oostburg, WI
Rocky Mountain High School, Fort Collins, CO
Sam Barlow High School, Gresham, OR
Santa Barbara High School, Santa Barbara, CA

INDustry™ Gold Sponsor
Friulmac USA, Hickory, NC

Industry™ Sawblade Sponsor
Aiken Controls, Lenoir, NC

View all WCA INDustry™ Sponsors