
Video: Modern Cabinetmaking Author Guests on Podcast


Dominic Rubino, a business coach who specializes in helping manufacturers of cabinets, furniture, and other wood products, improve their profitability, speaks with Patrick Molzahn, director of the Cabinetmaking & Millwork program at Madison College.

The discussion, episode 128 of Rubino’s podcast series, not only includes Molzahn’s involvement in trainin next generation woodworkers, but also the recent release of the sixth edition of Modern Cabinetmaking that he authored and his long-time involvement as a founder and former board member of the Woodwork Career Alliance of North America.


Modern Cabinetmaking 6th Edition Now Available

TINLEY PARK, IL – Goodheart-Wilcox, a publisher specializing in books for career and technical education, has released the 6th edition of Modern Cabinetry. The new edition comes with videos and other digital extras.

Modern Cabinetmaking offers a complete solution for cabinetmaking and woodworking courses, with comprehensive coverage of the industry, design and layout, materials, machining processes, cabinet construction, finishing, and more. It also covers manufactured products and construction processes used in the cabinetmaking industry. The content of the text and lab workbook correlates to the Woodwork Career Alliance (WCA) industry credentialing standards. Author Patrick Molzahn was the first individual to earn the WCA’s highest honor, the Diamond Credential.

The new edition includes a variety of digital assets including Career Profile and See it in Action videos, plus links to exclusive online worksheets, quizzes, and a new Virtual Toolbox designed to help students master tool identification. The textbook also features a new chapter on Installing Moulding and Trim, as well as new material on lean manufacturing.

Molzahn, director of the Cabinetmaking and Millwork program at Madison College, also spearheaded a comprehensive update of the 5th edition of Modern Cabinetmaking published in 2014. Molzahn’s contributions build on the work on previous editions credited to co-authors William Umstattd and Charles Davis.

Goodheart-Wilcox, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, published the first edition of Modern Cabinetmaking in 1977.

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