03 – Evaluation Policies and Confidentiality

Evaluation is voluntary. The Skill Standards may be selected for use without coercion, with equal treatment for all, and with the informed consent of participants in an open process.

In order to receive Passport Tool Points, records in the Transcript Archive, and/or Certificates, a candidate must be paid up and in good standing, have purchased enough assessment credits, and must complete all criteria for the selected tool/machine and operation.

  • The Candidate shall acknowledge, by affidavit, that s/he is physically qualified to operate the tool/machine being evaluated.
  • The Candidate shall acknowledge and agree to the terms and policies of the Woodwork Career Alliance and Woodwork Credentials Board Standards and Evaluation programs.
  • The tool/machine used in the evaluation shall be accepted by the Evaluator as in good/safe working condition as a prerequisite to evaluation.
  • The Evaluator shall create and maintain a supportive environment before, during and after the evaluation, which is intended to encourage a successful performance.
  • Evaluators and Candidates shall maintain the security of the Transcript Archive and the records kept therein.

The Evaluator may deny the award of Tool Points(s) to candidates who lack understanding in any subject area in which operators of that tool/machine are expected to have competence, including the stated General Considerations and Pre-Operation criteria.

The Evaluator may, in the event a candidate engages in inappropriate conduct or behavior, reserve the right to take responsive actions, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Reject the application(s) for evaluation and stop the process.
  • Prohibit or preclude a candidate from participation in an evaluation.
  • Prevent a candidate from continuing at any time during an evaluation, including removal of that person from the evaluation site.
  • Invalidate a candidate’s results after evaluation.
  • Issue and enforce any other lesser response to action determined to be appropriate or necessary.


Records of all Evaluators and Candidates in the program shall be confidentially maintained and protected to the greatest extent possible and practical.

Information supplied by candidates is for the confidential use of the WCA and will not be disclosed to any party without the specific written permission of the individual participant.

Information supplied by schools or employers is for the confidential use of the WCA and will not be disclosed to any party without the specific written permission of the school or employer.

All participants in the WCA programs will be required to sign a WCA release form allowing the WCA to verify a candidate’s status to a Skill Evaluator or Chief Evaluator if requested.