Information Package

Owners, Managers, and Supervisors can use the Passport and Credentials to evaluate, recognize, and reward employees today. All the elements are in place. Learn the benefits of WCA for your firm, download items by clicking the LIBRARY LINK

The WCA is a standards-setting body. We write Skill Standards, the performance outcomes; observable, measurable skills for woodwork manufacturing. We reward achievement with certificates, patches, and pins. A participant’s PASSPORT is his/her physical, personal, permanent record of those achievements.

Our standards have been written by a team of over 50 woodwork professionals. This body of work will help you develop and strengthen your work force and productivity.

Companies use Skill Standards and the Passport to:
  • Develop training and curricula
  • Define job requirements
  • Provide a benchmark for performance and evaluation
  • Enhance labor value and mobility
  • Plan career learning and development paths